I used the pseudonym GhostDogPlanet for a few years, and the album I'm most proud of during that time is METROPOLIS, from 2012. NETWERK is one of my favorite tracks.

METROPOLIS is a political discourse focused on the rise of the radical right wing in American politics and its parallels with Fritz Lang's Metropolis and other Sci-Fi films. Since then, this wave of ultra-right strangleholds taking over state governments has only increased, culminating in a US congress that refuses to do their jobs, including to help US Zika victims in need. Now they've nominated a despot who's attempting to take over our federal government with overt racism, nationalism, foreign intervention, and outright lies.

Throughout this process, the media has not only been complicit, but a vital element in giving rise to patently false jingoism and amped-up partisan rhetoric. NETWERK is focused on the dystopian consequences of our propagandist media and commentary, and how it was all predicted before.

This track is also a nod to Kraftwerk, of course. Their album The Man-Machine (1978) had a huge influence on me, as did the original Metropolis film on Kraftwerks' music, I would imagine.